
8 Benefits of a Lazy Weekend

There are only 52 weeks in a year. The older I get, the shorter those weeks seems to be! With the hustle and bustle of a full time job, obligations, and a social life the weekend can feel like it’s over before it even begins.

Every once in awhile, life gives us a lazy weekend to get through! After enjoying a lazy weekend myself, I’ve come up with 8 benefits of taking it easy every once in awhile.

1. Catching Up On Sleep

Sleep is so valuable to me these days! Why didn’t I take advantage of nap time back when I had the chance? I find that sleep is always the first thing that I compromise when life gets busy. Taking it easy over the weekend gives us the chance to sleep in which is often overdue.

2. Extra Time For Planning

Who else finds themselves putting their week together at 10 PM on a Sunday night? It doesn’t have to be that way. Taking advantage of a lazy weekend can eliminate this problem! It feels amazing to have the opportunity to mentally prepare for a busy week ahead.

3. Putting Yourself First

This is one thing that I always find myself needing to work on. It’s okay to stay in every once in awhile and have a little you time! Your friends and family will understand, so don’t be afraid to put yourself first.

4. Cleaning Up The House

For Nick and I, when a week starts to get busy the first thing to fall behind is chores. On the few occasions that we have been able to have a lazy weekend, we always put aside some time to get our house back in order! It’s so liberating to check chores off the list when starting a new week.

More on Kait Around The Kingdom:   Six Lessons Learned in the First Six Months of Marriage

5. Quality Time With Family

Being newly married, working full time jobs, and having plans every weekend it’s hard to have time for our little family sometimes. Roux values the weekends because we aren’t away all day like during the week. Nick and I try to include her in our plans each weekend, but it isn’t always realistic! A lazy weekend is the perfect chance for family nap time and extra play time for Roux.

6. Binge Watching Marathons

I remember the days when I could binge watch all weekend long on breaks from school! Once I started adulting, those chances started to become few and far between. Luckily, Nick and I watch a lot of the same shows which allows us the chance to binge watch together.

7. Clearing Your Head

When life gets busy, sometimes just thinking about everything you have on your plate can be enough to wear your out! Before you overwhelm yourself completely, take a deep breath and look into what’s really on your radar for the week ahead. 9 times out of 10 you’ll find that all the tasks in your head aren’t really as bad as you think!

8. A Chance To Recharge

This benefit is the most important to me! When you’re constantly on the go, a chance to recharge can seem impossible. One of my biggest downfalls is when I let myself get too run down with activities. It’s okay to be involved, but when it affects your health you’ve got to let yourself catch up. My main priority for a lazy weekend is letting myself recharge so I can stay on top of it all!

More on Kait Around The Kingdom:   My First Saints Game & A New Tradition is Born

There’s nothing wrong with a little down time every once in awhile! So whenever you have the chance, be sure to take that lazy weekend. You’ll thank yourself later!

How do you like to spend your lazy weekend?

  1. Allison

    January 9, 2017 at 2:06 am

    YES to catching up on sleep! All of the naps on naps on naps!

  2. Carly Delski

    January 9, 2017 at 7:28 am

    Oh how I love lazy weekends! Like you said, they’re great for recharging! After stressing all week and waking up early, it’s so nice to sleep in or read a book! Great post Xx

  3. Roy Miller

    January 9, 2017 at 7:39 am

    Quality time with the family and a chance to recharge are what work for me.

  4. Belle

    January 9, 2017 at 8:39 am

    I LOVE a lazy weekend! I probably haven’t had one in over 2 years. It’s hard to have one with 2 toddlers. Lol

    Belle | One Awesome Momma

  5. Marissa

    January 9, 2017 at 9:46 am

    I need to do all these items! I always try to get in extra work, but relaxing is so important.

  6. Chrissy

    January 9, 2017 at 12:08 pm

    All of this! Sounds like the perfect weekend to me! We love doing all those things above! Best way to charge your batteries! Happy Monday xxx

  7. Leslie Soto

    January 9, 2017 at 12:15 pm

    Lazy weekends are the best. My hubby & I just had one and it felt so amazing to catch up on sleep, to get ahead with my blogging. I also was able to pitch to some companies i’d love to work with. I absolutely love weekends like this!

  8. Jill

    January 9, 2017 at 2:37 pm

    Totally relate! I was feeling sick the end of last week so the weekend was definitely low key and lazy! It was lovely.

  9. Alix Maza

    January 9, 2017 at 6:56 pm

    1 and 8 are probably the best reasons to have a lazy day lol.

    Alix |

  10. Raluca @ Playful Notes

    January 9, 2017 at 9:42 pm

    To be honest, I never had a lazy weekend since I am a mom! And this means more than 3 years! I totally need to plan a lazy weekend and to enjoy it. Your post was a really good inspiration!

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