Disney Style

Classic Hollywood Magic

Hollywood Dreamin’!

I’m pretty sure I’m not the only 90’s kid out there who had some serious love for Disney-MGM Studios growing up. Even from a young age, it always seemed like the park I wanted to be in!

From the amazing and detailed vintage Hollywood theming to the iconic thrill attractions, I just couldn’t get enough. As time has passed, this park has gone from themed and defined to a sort of “question mark park.”

After a name change and basically every attraction but four closing down, I’ve admittedly spent less time in the park that used to be my favorite. I can’t help but miss that classic Hollywood feel — the one that makes you feel like you’re experiencing something special! And sadly the only places you can still find that feel is down Hollywood and Sunset Boulevard.

While most are over the moon about the upcoming changes to this park, I can’t help but wonder what potential Disney-MGM Studios could’ve had under its original planning. Don’t get me wrong — I love change and innovation in the parks. I’m all about things continuing to get better, but sticking to the original inspiration always has its benefits.

The next few years are going to be pretty major for Disney’s Hollywood Studios. Redefining the park that once was into something glamorous and exciting is no easy task!

Recently I’ve had a great time looking back on the original history of Disney-MGM Studios. From the All New Mickey Mouse Club to the time and research put into the park’s design, I just loved it all!

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Looking to take a trip back to Hollywoodland’s yesteryear? Check out my favorite 1989 Disney-MGM Studios documentary here! You’ll get a real feel for how much passion and excitement went into this park for its original opening. I also gained a new found appreciation for Disney’s imagineers and all they do to make these parks what they are!

As Walt Disney used to say, “Without change there would be no butterflies.” So here’s to seeing what exciting change is to come for Disney’s Hollywood Studios!

What’s your favorite Disney Park?