Disney Pets

Life is Ruff

Life Would Be Ruff Without You

The older I get the more I truly realize how special dogs are. Growing up I always wanted a puppy of my own. I knew I wanted a sweet little yorkie puppy that I could carry around and cuddle with. I wanted to bring her with me everywhere and she would be my best friend!

Almost three years ago on August 21, 2016, Nick and I met our sweet little Roux. She was only about 7 weeks old and could barely walk, but we knew our whole world was about to change for the better!

“I Just Met You, And I Love You”

Dug in UP knew what he was talking about, because it’s amazing how quickly we fell in love with this little girl. The thing they never tell you about dogs is how deep and pure their love for us is. As their humans, we’re their whole world! It’s the little moments that matter most to them.

That rush when you first walk in the door from work, those early morning cuddles in bed, and the praise and love that we give. When you take a second to realize the impact you have on this sweet pup’s life, it’s hard not to get choked up thinking about it!

When ShopDisney released their new Disney Dogs collection, I fell in love all over again! Seeing some of my favorite Disney dogs featured on clothes, toys, and other accessories just made my heart smile.

The human/dog matching spirit jerseys were at the top of my list! Since Roux and I both celebrated our birthdays back in July, I went ahead and treated us to this cute combo. Honestly I was much more excited about it than her, but she looks adorable right?!

More on Kait Around The Kingdom:   The Perfect Holiday Gift Guide For The Disney Lovers On Your List

Confession Time: Roux actually hates wearing clothes. 

I know the idea of a dog not wanting to wear clothes isn’t really a shock, but I’m definitely hoping she will come around to the idea! She’s just too cute and I love when I can come up with any excuse for us to match.

With a few treats and her favorite toy (a squeaky Mickey Premium Bar) anything is possible! We still had such a blast taking these pics in our Disney Dogs OOTDs. (Shout out to my hubby Nick for making these photos happen!)

If you’ve got a four-legged friend in your life, you’ve going to love the Disney Dogs collection from ShopDisney. I’m going to share a few of our favorites from the collection below so you can stock up too!

Roux’s Outfit Details

Dog Spirit Jersey | Watermelon Friendship Collar | Purple Bow (similar here)

Kait’s Outfit Details

Disney Dogs Spirit Jersey (similar here) | Purple Leggings (similar here) | Watermelon Friendship Collar | Kate Spade Keds

Shop the Full Oh My Disney Dogs Collection HERE!

Which Disney Dog is Your Favorite?