Kait Around The Kingdom

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Disney Attractions

Disney Attractions

Six Grand and Miraculous Facts About Spaceship Earth

Spaceship Earth is Epcot’s park icon and a one-of-a-kind attraction at Walt Disney World resort. To celebrate this grand and miraculous icon, we’re sharing six facts about Spaceship Earth!   One Big Ball Did you know Spaceship Earth is the largest free-standing sphere in the world?! At 180 feet tall, weighing almost 16 million pounds this attraction is truly a modern marvel. Although this sphere is so large, it still isn’t the largest thing in Epcot! In fact, the tank inside of The Seas  ...

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Disney Attractions

Five Tiki Tiki Facts About Walt Disney’s Enchanted Tiki Room

Walt Disney’s Enchanted Tiki Room has been an Adventureland staple since opening day at the Magic Kingdom. It’s colorful, singing birds and playful nature ring true to Walt’s original idea for the experience, even all these decades later! Today we’re sharing five musical facts about Walt Disney’s Enchanted Tiki Room.   First To Use Audio-Animatronics Audio-animatronics are found on countless Disney attractions across the globe today, but did you know that this attraction is where they got  ...

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Disney Attractions

Five Out-Of-This-World Facts About Magic Kingdom’s Space Mountain

One of Magic Kingdom’s most thrilling E-Ticket attractions takes you straight to outer space! Space Mountain in Tomorrowland is a pretty special attraction in Disney parks history, and today we’re sharing five fun facts about this coaster.   A Decade of Dreaming Did you know Walt Disney thought up the idea for this attraction over a decade before it came to be? The idea for this attraction was inspired by Walt’s fascination with space and the need to add more thrill attractions to his  ...

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