Kait Around The Kingdom

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Disney Recipes

Disney Pets, Disney Recipes

Make it Pink, Make it Blue: Princess Pupcakes

One year ago today, a little princess puppy was born. Happy First Birthday, Roux! This first year has really flown by. If someone would’ve told me a year ago that I would be making pupcakes for my dog, I wouldn’t have believed them. Yet here we are! One year later with the puppy of our dreams. Since this is Roux’s first birthday, we decided to give her the royal treatment! She’s basically a Disney princess, so we went with a Sleeping Beauty theme. Why Sleeping Beauty? Her birthday falls ten  ...

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Disney Recipes

Kait Cooks: New England Pot Roast

At the beginning of 2017, I listed out my goals for the year. One of those goals was to cook more and eat out less. I can proudly say that last week Nick and I stuck to this goal for the entire week and it felt great! Those who know me know that I am fairly new to cooking.  I’ve been trying to implement new recipes into our weekly dinners and I finally came across something last week! With our Disney trip coming up in just a month I have been wanting to try and make a version of the Liberty  ...

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