Kait Around The Kingdom

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Disney Movies

Five Facts About The Lizzie McGuire Movie

Hey now, hey now — Happy 21st Anniversary to a Disney movie masterpiece, The Lizzie McGuire Movie! In case you missed it, we released our Outfit Repeater necklace earlier this year and we couldn’t pass up this chance to talk about one of our favorite movies on its anniversary. Whether you’re a fan of the Disney Channel show,  movie, or both, we hope you love this deeper look into The Lizzie McGuire Movie. 1. A Different Voice? If you’ve watched the iconic “This is What Dreams Are Made Of”  ...

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Disney Lifestyle

A Practically Perfect Baby Shower

When I found out I was having a baby girl, I knew that I’d want a baby shower theme that was light and bright featuring lots of pastels. My baby is due in spring, so there’s no better excuse for pretty pale colors, right? I’ve never shied away from a Disney theme before — hello Tangled Bridal Shower and subtle Disney wedding! So when I was reminded that my favorite Disney movie was celebrating its 60th anniversary later this year, it seemed like a practically perfect fit for my baby shower  ...

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Disney News

Peyton’s Places Goes To Disney World

“I’m Going To Disneyland or Disney World is the best marketing campaign in football history.” – Peyton Manning, Peyton’s Places Have you ever wondered how that famous “I’m Going To Disney World!” campaign got its start? This week on ESPN+’s Peyton’s Places, Peyton Manning breaks down the history of this iconic slogan with the Super Bowl MVP that started it all — Phil Simms.               View this post on Instagram                         A post shared by Kaitlyn Killebrew (@kaitkillebrew)  ...

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Disney Movies

13 Bewitching Facts About Hocus Pocus

Happy Halloween! If you’re a fan of all things spooky, chances are you’ve watched Hocus Pocus more times than you can count. It’s hard to believe audiences have been enjoying this movie for more than three decades! This Halloween classic was released on July 16, 1993, and has become a must-watch each fall. Directed by Kenny Ortega and starring Bette Midler, Sarah Jessica Parker, and Kathy Najimy, this film continues to capture the hearts of new generations. Whether you’re a long-time fan or  ...

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