Six Buggy Facts About It’s Tough To Be A Bug
Opening Day Attraction
The Most Magical Place on Earth’s youngest theme park opened on Earth Day, April 22, 1998. On this day the park featured twelve opening day attractions including some attractions still found in the park today like Kilimanjaro Safaris, Festival of the Lion King, and It’s Tough To Be A Bug! Over 20 years later, this attraction is still a must do for guests of all ages.
Iconic Location
It’s Tough To Be A Bug is housed inside of a pretty iconic location inside of Disney’s Animal Kingdom! This family fun attraction is built within the park’s icon, the Tree of Life. When constructing the park, Imagineers planned for an attraction within the park icon but couldn’t come up with an idea. Disney CEO Michael Eisner had the idea to base the attraction on bugs since the attraction would be located underground and within the roots of the Tree of Life! This idea inspired the attraction we experience today.
Older Than The Movie
Did you know that It’s Tough To Be A Bug is older than the film that inspired it? While Disney’s Animal Kingdom opened in April 1998, A Bug’s Lifewouldn’t release in theaters until November 1998! This means guests of the park got a small glimpse into the A Bug’s Life world through characters like Flik and Hopper months before the film was released.
Honorary Bug Glasses
It’s Tough To Be A Bug is an attraction that features 3D effects, which means it requires its own 3D glasses for guests. Each 3D attraction around Walt Disney World has its own unique design and name for their glasses to tie into the theme of the attraction. Since this attraction takes guests into the world of bugs, the glasses feature small antennas and “transform” guests into honorary bugs!
A Lot of Seats
The line for this attraction never gets too long, which has a lot to do with the size of the theater it’s housed in. It’s Tough To Be A Bug’s theater contains 430 seats! The attraction’s duration is around 8 minutes long, which means the show plays about 7 times an hour. With such a high capacity location, It’s Tough To Be A Bug has the ability to house around 3,000 guests each hour!
Don’t Rush Out of This Attraction
This attraction features 3D effects as well as some 4D effects that will surprise you during the show! While most guests are ready to rush out of an attraction once it’s ended to move on to the next thing, you’ll want to hang back for a minute when it comes to It’s Tough To Be A Bug. Effects that are built into the chair will create the feeling of bugs moving underneath you while making their way to the exit!
Disney’s Animal Kingdom is a wild time for guests of all ages. Whether you’re a Bug’s Life fan or not, you’ll want to experience the fun of It’s Tough To Be A Bug for yourself! So next time you visit the park be sure to make you way to the Tree of Life and grab your Honorary Bug Glasses.