Kait Around The Kingdom

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Disney Animation

Disney Style

Let’s Hear It For The 90’s Kids

Let’s talk 90’s vibes! As a girlie who will be turning 30 this summer, I’d be lying if I said I didn’t dream about the good ole 90’s every once in awhile. Yes, the technology of the 21st century is great and all, but do y’all remember what it was like to be a 90’s Disney Kid?   The Disney Decade As the Walt Disney Company entered the 1990’s, they were thriving. Disney Animation was experiencing its next Golden Age of Animation in the form of “The Disney Renaissance,” Disney Store locations  ...

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Disney Lifestyle

Your State’s Favorite Disney Princess

It’s crazy to think that it’s already been a week since the release of Disney’s newest animated film Ralph Breaks The Internet! This Thanksgiving release is sequel to Wreck it Ralph and well before it hit theaters its teaser trailer featuring a group of Disney royals had us immediately wanting more. There’s just something about seeing all the Disney princesses together, amiright? In celebration of the movie debut in theaters and surprise appearance of our favorite Disney royals, cabletv.com  ...

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Disney, Disney Parks

’Ralph Breaks The Internet’ Experiences You Won’t Want To Miss At Walt Disney World

A new Disney Animation sequel is headed to the silver screen in just a few weeks! Ralph Breaks the Internet will release in theaters on Nov., 2018, and to celebrate, an exclusive sneak peek of the film will be available to guests visiting Walt Disney World in November. Starting on Friday, Nov. 2, guests who visit the Walt Disney Presents attraction in Disney’s Hollywood Studios will have the special chance to watch a portion of the movie before its release! Disney guests traveling to the  ...

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Disney Lifestyle

Decades of Disney Animation

Disney has been such a constant for almost ninety years now, that it’s hard to imagine a time before the magical company! Creating landmarks in animation history like Steamboat Willie, the first animation synchronized to sound, Walt Disney and his company were always pushing the envelope in the entertainment industry. Disney classic movies have been stealing our hearts since 1937! From creating the first full-length animated feature film with color and sound in the Golden Age to creating  ...

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