Kait Around The Kingdom

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Disney Throwback

Disney Throwback

A True McDisney Production

“This is the most ambitious promotional effort ever developed between two of the world’s best-known family-friendly brands. The agreement we announce today is a true McDisney production.” – Michael Eisner, Disney CEO. McDonald’s and Disney, there was no more perfect pair than these two in the late 1990s and early 2000s! Whether you were young or young at heart during this time, if you spent any time at McDonald’s during this decade, you were sure to find some Disney magic. How did this  ...

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Disney Lifestyle

2018: A Year in Review

Where has the year gone? Seriously, the older I get the quicker the months seem to go. 2018 was a big year for myself and my family! Although every moment wasn’t amazing, I’m thankful for the memories and opportunities that were brought my way this year. 2018 was my second year of blogging consistently on Kait Around The Kingdom, posting twice a week on Tuesdays and Fridays! This year my blog reached over 300 posts and I also had the opportunity to start writing for a few Orlando-based  ...

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Disney Throwback

The Disney Institute

“Doing Things You’ve Always Dreamed Of, Or Things You Never Dreamed You’d Do. You’ll Be Amazed What You Get Through, Learning Different Sides Of You. You Won’t Believe What You Can Do!” From 1996 to 2000, Walt Disney World resort offered an intimate resort community with a personal touch. Where guests young and old could do more than just get away, but also engage their body, excited their mind, and expand their horizons! This experience was known as the Disney Institute, and we’re going to  ...

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