Kait Around The Kingdom

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Flynn Rider

Disney Style

Dream Big Princess

Dare To Let Your Hair Down Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair. Although my favorite Disney princess growing up was always Cinderella, when I finally got the chance to see Tangled, Rapunzel made her way to the top! From her long, blonde hair to the songs and storyline, I immediately fell in love with this more modern Disney fairytale. Fast forward to 2019 and Tangled‘s only presence in Walt Disney World is still just the most beautiful bathrooms ever. I think we all agree that Punzie,  ...

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Disney Food

Disney Eats: Bon Voyage Adventure Breakfast

Have you ever had a chance to visit Disney’s Boardwalk Resort? If you haven’t yet, here’s your chance! Along its picturesque strip you’ll find colorful buildings, restaurants and bars, and a Friendship Boat taking you directly to Epcot and Hollywood Studios. One restaurant that has become a star of this resort recently is Trattoria al Forno! Trattoria al Forno offers a one of a kind character dining experience that you won’t want to miss! The Bon Voyage Adventure Breakfast can be booked as  ...

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Disney Parks, Disney Tips

Disney Must Do: Tangled Photo Spot

One of the main questions I get about my Disney obsession is why I go so often.  People claim that “it’s always the same,” but any Disney lover knows that this is far from true! A major perk of visiting Disney so often is that there is pretty much always something different going on. When I think back on the year I went six times, I can honestly say that no two trips were alike! Well, Disney has done it again! They’ve added something new and I’m so excited to talk about it because it speaks  ...

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