Kait Around The Kingdom

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Disney Lifestyle

Decades of Disney Animation

Disney has been such a constant for almost ninety years now, that it’s hard to imagine a time before the magical company! Creating landmarks in animation history like Steamboat Willie, the first animation synchronized to sound, Walt Disney and his company were always pushing the envelope in the entertainment industry. Disney classic movies have been stealing our hearts since 1937! From creating the first full-length animated feature film with color and sound in the Golden Age to creating  ...

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Disney Lifestyle

Ten Inspirational Disney Quotes To Add Some Magic To Your Day

Need to feel inspired? My list of Disney quotes has got you covered! Anytime I’m having an off day, I turn to my favorite Disney movies for a little pick me up. Some of the very quotes that we need to hear in our time of doubt can be found in the movies that we grew up watching!   “Even Miracles Take A Little Time.”   –Cinderella In a world of constantly needing instant gratification, it can be tough to grasp that things don’t always happen on our time. I think the Fairy Godmother says it  ...

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