Kait Around The Kingdom

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It’s Tough To Be A Bug

Disney Throwback

Opening Day at Disney’s Animal Kingdom

Walt Disney World’s fourth (and so far final?) theme park, Disney’s Animal Kingdom opened its gates to the public 23 years ago. (Cue “What’s My Age Again” by blink-182.) Disney’s Animal Kingdom’s anniversary is also Earth Day, April 22! Today we’re taking a trip back in time to the Opening Day at Disney’s Animal Kingdom — April 22, 1998. Disney’s Animal Kingdom’s opening had a grand opening ceremony featuring primatologist Jane Goodall, Ph.D. Disney CEO at the time, Michael Eisner, was also  ...

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Disney Attractions

Six Buggy Facts About It’s Tough To Be A Bug

Disney’s Animal Kingdom is home to adventurous attractions of all sorts. From big thrills and stage shows to 3D experiences, there’s a lot to explore around Walt Disney World’s fourth theme park. Today we’re sharing six buggy facts about It’s Tough To Be A Bug!   Opening Day Attraction The Most Magical Place on Earth’s youngest theme park opened on Earth Day, April 22, 1998. On this day the park featured twelve opening day attractions including some attractions still found in the park today  ...

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Disney Style

Where The Wild Things Are

“Welcome to a kingdom of animals… real, ancient and imagined: a kingdom ruled by lions, dinosaurs and dragons; a kingdom of balance, harmony and survival; a kingdom we enter to share in the wonder, gaze at the beauty, thrill at the drama, and learn.” —Michael D. Eisner, April 22, 1998       Disney’s Animal Kingdom is one of those experiences that I think we start to appreciate more with age. As a kid, it was my least favorite park — always choosing others over it for the thrill attractions  ...

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