Kait Around The Kingdom

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The Honey Bee-stro

Disney Food

A Complete Food Guide to Epcot’s International Flower and Garden Festival

Springtime is almost here, and so is Epcot’s International Flower and Garden Festival. As Epcot’s International Festival of the Arts comes to a close, the menus for Epcot’s next festival have been released. If you’re visiting Walt Disney World between March and June of this year, you’ll want to plan ahead for this floral festival of fun. Here’s a complete guide to the food you can expect to see at Epcot’s International Flower and Garden Festival 2019.   Arbor at The Gardeners Terrace (New  ...

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Disney Food

My Flower and Garden Festival Favorites

It’s no secret that Flower and Garden Festival is my favorite to experience each year at Epcot. From the blooms to the bites it’s just my ideal way to celebrate the spring season! This year is the 25th Anniversary of Epcot’s International Flower and Garden, so everything spring was in full swing. Epcot is featuring 15 outdoor kitchens at the festival this year with lots of delicious tastes to try. Today I’m sharing a my top five favorite tastes that I checked off of my Garden Passport from  ...

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Disney Tips

Four Things You Must Do At Flower and Garden Festival

Epcot’s International Flower and Garden Festival has been in full swing for almost a month! Time flies when you’re having fun, amiright? I had a chance to visit the festival this past week and indulge in some of the food, flowers, and experiences and it was a blast! Flower and Garden Festival is my favorite of the festivals at Epcot, so it’s no surprise I spent three days of my trip there. For 25 years Flower and Garden Festival has become a spring tradition at Epcot that you don’t want to  ...

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