Disney Recipes

Violet Lemonade

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! In just one day it will officially be time for my favorite Epcot festival — Flower and Garden! Beautiful topiaries, colorful blooms, and food that just puts a spring in your step, Flower and Garden Festival is my favorite time of year to visit.

Violet Lemonade | Disney Recipes | Flower and Garden Festival | Disney DIY | Epcot Treats | Disney at Home | Violet Lemonade Recipe | Sugar Free Disney Recipes | How To Make Violet Lemonade | Best of Flower and Garden Festival | Flower and Garden Festival Favorites | That Disney Lifestyle | Kait Around The Kingdom | @kaitkillebrew

If you’ve experienced this festival you know that the star of the show is a refreshing purple slushy known as Violet Lemonade! After finding a recipe online, I knew I had to try making my favorite Flower and Garden treat right at home. Would you believe that every ingredient can be found right at the grocery store? If you’re a Violet Lemonade lover like me, you’ve got to check the recipe out!

Violet Lemonade
Serves 2
A refreshing Flower and Garden Festival favorite that you can make right at home!
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Prep Time
15 min
Cook Time
10 min
Total Time
25 min
Prep Time
15 min
Cook Time
10 min
Total Time
25 min
  1. ¾ Cup of Water
  2. ⅓ Cup of Fresh Purple Violet (Violia) Petals
  3. 5 Tablespoons of Stevia (or any sweetener of your choice)
  4. Juice From 3 Lemons
  5. Ice
  6. Fresh Violet Blooms for Garnish
  1. Put ¾ cup of water in a microwavable bowl.
  2. Microwave water on high for a minute and a half or until water begins to boil.
  3. Let water stand to cool for about two minutes.
  4. Stir in violet petals and sugar until the sugar is dissolved.
  5. Steep petals until mixture is cooled to room temperature.
  6. When cooled, stir in lemon juice.
  7. Ready to serve? Strain the mixture and place it in a blender with ice.
  8. Continue to add ice until your frozen lemonade reaches a slushy consistency.
  9. Pour into glasses and top with a fresh violet and drink up!
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  1. If you're like me and couldn't find Violets at your local grocery store, Violas are a great alternative. They are also edible and the perfect purple color!
  2. If you find that the purple hue isn't pulling from the mixture, scoop out the petals with a spoon and apply pressure to reveal the violet dye and allow it to fall into the mixture. I found this was the best way for me to get the natural purple hue we all know and love!
  3. The original recipe I found called for 5 tablespoons of sugar, but I wanted to offer a sugar free alternative and used Stevia instead! Any sweetener will do!
Adapted from Kingdom Cuisine
Adapted from Kingdom Cuisine
Kait Around The Kingdom https://www.kaitkillebrew.com/
And just like that, your Disney Withdrawals are gone! Don’t you just love how a Disney recipe can take you back to your happy place? What I loved about this recipe is that it’s easy to make, a fun activity, and a great way to get excited for any upcoming Flower and Garden Festival trips! 

Violet Lemonade | Disney Recipes | Flower and Garden Festival | Disney DIY | Epcot Treats | Disney at Home | Violet Lemonade Recipe | Sugar Free Disney Recipes | How To Make Violet Lemonade | Best of Flower and Garden Festival | Flower and Garden Festival Favorites | That Disney Lifestyle | Kait Around The Kingdom | @kaitkillebrew

Don’t get me wrong the Festival of the Arts was a lot of fun, but there’s just something about the spring vibes of Flower and Garden. Flower and Garden Festival will be running from February 28 to May 28 this year, so if you haven’t planned a spring Disney trip there’s still time to do so. I’ll be back to enjoy all the Violet Lemonade and Frushi in only 22 days! (but who’s counting?)


Violet Lemonade | Disney Recipes | Flower and Garden Festival | Disney DIY | Epcot Treats | Disney at Home | Violet Lemonade Recipe | Sugar Free Disney Recipes | How To Make Violet Lemonade | Best of Flower and Garden Festival | Flower and Garden Festival Favorites | That Disney Lifestyle | Kait Around The Kingdom | @kaitkillebrew



If you’re planning of stopping by the Flower and Garden Festival, you can read about my food favorites from last year here! The festival menus have been released for 2018 so you can view everything that Epcot will have to offer here.

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When I think Flower and Garden Festival I think Violet Lemonade, so making this sweet and tart treat right at home was a perfect transition into my favorite festival season!

What’s your Flower and Garden Festival Favorite?